We each have a special number. It serves as a guide or a measurement. It might be the cost of a home. The year you want to be debt free. The retained earnings in your business. Your tax refund. Maybe the number of children in your Will. Starting with one number or just a few simplifies the rest. Working with a professional financial planner ensures all the numbers add up as life unfolds.
FP Canada™ regularly polls Canadians about their financial health. 2021 results show that 16% of Canadians report lower money-related stress and are 17% more confident about their financial future when they work with a Certified Financial Planner® professional or Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ professional. Thumbs up if you value less stress and more confidence.
*Source: 2021 FP Canada Financial Stress Index
6 Ingredients of a professional, prepared, holistic plan.
cash flow
Targeting a savings number to finance all your fun and dreams starts with managing how much you earn and how much you spend or borrow.
2your investment mix
How much of your savings should be invested, and in what kinds of investment types and products? Everyone is different. The right mix and plan support your unique goals.
3understand your taxes
There are strategies for managing and even reducing the tax you pay now and in the future. Good decisions today make tomorrow’s choices easier.
4all play
& no work
Sure, retirement may be a long way off. The good news is, the longer you prepare, the better you’ll do. Start with a number and adapt as the years fly by.
More and more of us are considering how much we’ll leave behind and for whom. Children, charities: Consider the options sooner than later – it’s all a part of Estate Planning.
6insuring tomorrow
Retirement and the inevitable end of life is years away. But what if the unexpected happens sooner? The answer is in risk and insurance planning.
Download the FP Canada 2021 Financial Stress Index here or get started on your plan today by contacting a CFP professional or QAFP professional near you. Heck, you can do both.
Two-in-five Canadians say money is their #1 source of stress*. Download our 2021 Financial Stress Index infographic to learn more about taking control of your financial stress. And signup for the 2022 Edition.
There are 19,000+ CFP professionals and QAFP professionals across Canada who are standing by and ready to help.
Take 63 seconds to learn more about picking your number.
Rarely do you see the words math and fun in the same sentence. Yet truth is, numbers are an important part of our lives from day one, and continue to act as guides and measures of each life journey. Want proof? Watch this short video:
Without writing a book about it, define a CFP professional or QAFP Professional.
Certified Financial Planner professionals and Qualified Associate Financial Planner professionals are well-trained, high-integrity, passionate experts who are professionally committed to helping their clients achieve financial well-being. This commitment includes completing comprehensive certification exams and continuing their education every year. They believe in the benefits of holistic, connected financial planning as per the six ingredients introduced earlier. They are employed equally by Canada’s leading financial institutions including major banks, credit unions, financial planning firms and as the proprietors of their own professional services firms. They are bound by professional standards and must adhere to those standards as mandated by FP Canada.
And finally, what kind of numbers are we talking about?
Here are a few examples of the numbers you can use to start getting your financial plan on the right track.
- Number of children
- Annual travel budget
- Years to mortgage freedom
- Amount of debt
- RRSP/TFSA contributions
- Annual charitable donations
- Cost of a cottage
- Nest egg fund
- Emergency fund
- Mortgage down payment
- Number of years to retirement
- Annual fun money total
- Student loans payable
- Inheritance
- Education funds
- Income tax paid
- Business retained earnings
- Monthly savings target
- Amount invested now
- Car payment